Twenty Twenty week two

After a dissapointing doctors appointment on monday and an important work meeting on tuesday afternoon, I had to sleep 12 hours and missed a lot of the fun.

Luckily, Ian has been able to spend more time on the theme this week.

The JavaScript for the menu has been added, but it is not yet perfect especially not in IE11. Many awesome people contributed to improving the JS and removing jQuery depenendancy for the front.

More of the design has been added. Many block styles are still missing, as well as some styles for the comment area.

Color settings are being redone to assure a high enough contrast between background and text. The new accent color will be a hue setting and it is looking really good. The code for the color setting is under review right now and will be included soon.

We still have many github issues to go through and some that could be closed because they have already been fixed. Hopefully these will be looked at on thursday.

I also noticed that some things that already have been fixed once, has sneaked their way back in, and those issues needs to be reopened.

The first week, making decisions on open pull requests was fairly easy. This week it has become harder for me to make decisions on my own without discussing it with the other maintainers. This is probably the way it should be though!

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