
Aaron is a responsive, accessibility-ready theme.

Features include Call to Action and front page Highlights that will grab your visitors attention and help you feature different parts of your website.

The theme has two optional menus (including a social menu) and three widget areas that will hold any number of widgets.

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Want to run Aaron on a company website rather than a blog? No problem, just hide the meta, the sidebars, and turn off your comments.

I recommend that you install the Jetpack plugin to make full use of supported features like logos, featured content, contact forms and social sharing. To create a portfolio, install Jetpack and create your projects, all the templates are already shipped with the theme. Aaron also works well with Woocommerce and bbPress.

Aaron has evolved from the user comments, requests and questions that has been sent in. Thank you for contributing and helping me make a better theme.

You can download Aaron from WordPress.org.


This theme has two optional menu locations, the Primary menu and the Social menu.

The Primary menu is fixed at the top of the website and shows two menu levels. This menu will collapse on smaller screens, and can then be opened and closed by a menu button. It can also be closed with the Esc key. A one line menu is recommended, or the menu will overlap your content. Use sub menus instead.

An image describing how social icons are lined up next to each other in the Social menu

The Social menu is at the bottom of the page and shows logos of the social networks of your choice. It does not display any text, but has additional information for screen readers. The icon will be added automatically, all you need to do is add a link to your menu. Create a new menu, then click on Custom links and add your URL. The Link Text that you provide is used as screen reader text.

Choose the theme location named Social Menu, and save.


If your link or icon is not showing up, try using lower case letters. Available icons: dribbble, facebook, flickr, foursquare, github, google plus, instagram, jsfiddle, linkedin, pinterest, reddit, soundcloud, stackoverflow, tumblr, twitter, vimeo, vine, yelp, youtube, wordpress, paypal, lastfm, behance, deviantart, spotify, skype, slack, amazon, steam, xing, medium, qq, codepen.


By default, the primary meny also shows the site title and a search form. The search form is not visible on screens smaller than 800 pixels. You can edit these features under the Advanced settings tab in the Customizer.

Widget areas

The theme now has two different sidebars: one for the front page and blog index, and one for other pages.

To show either sidebar, all you need to do is place your widgets inside them. To hide either sidebar, remove the widgets. The content of the page will expand to full width when the sidebar is hidden.

Both the sidebars and the footer widget area can hold any number of widgets. The footer widget area is shown on all pages.

There is also one additional widget area in the footer below the social menu, where you can place a text widget and add your copyright text.

Front page

The standard front page has the following features:

Site title: You will find an option to hide or change the color of your site title in the customizer.

Call to action: The Call to Action is a great way to get your visitors attention. In the customizer you can:

  • Add your own text
  • Add a link
  • Change colors
  • Hide the button

Highlights: This is a flexible way for you to feature different sections of your website. You can add upp to nine highlights. In the customizer you can:

  • Add your own text
  • Add a link
  • Add an icon or upload an image
  • Change colors
  • Hide the individual highlights or all of them

Tagline: You will find an option to hide your tagline in the customizer. Header Background: You can change the background image or background color in the customizer.

Custom front page

To use a custom page template for the front page, create a new page and select the template under Page Attributes.

Then set your new page as your static front page in the customizer or under Settings > Reading.


The Landing page template only shows your header, it does not display your footer, your featured content, post content or page content. Your header image will display as a full screen image.

The Header & Footer page template only shows your header and footer, it does not display your featured content, post content or page content. It will display the footer widget area, but not the sidebar.

The Static and Featured page template will display the content of the selected page together with your featured content. You also need to active the Jetpack module for Featured Content.

The Grid page template shows your posts in a responsive masonry grid. It does not display the sidebar. The No sidebar page template shows your page content, but it does not display the sidebar.

Page sections

Page sections are a great way to display your short codes, testimonials, pricing tables, contact information and similar. The two page sections can display up to 3 pages each. Pages in the top section are displayed above the blog content, and pages in the bottom section are displayed below. You can also show your page sections without your blog content by setting a static front page, using the Sections page template.

Advanced settings

Under the Advanced settings tab in the customizer you will find the following options:

  • Show the excerpt instead of the full content on the front page, blog listing and archives Note: Search results show excerpts by default.
  • Hide the meta information. -This will hide the category and tags.
  • Hide the author and post date information.
  • Show the breadcrumb navigation. -Breadcrumbs are shown below the post title.
  • Hide the search form in the header menu.
  • Show the search form in the header menu on all screen sizes.
  • Hide the Site title in the header menu.
  • Unstick the fixed header menu.
  • Move the meta below the post content. By default, this is shown to the right of the post content.

Header settings for individual posts and pages

To display the header together with an individual post or page, go to Edit mode and activate the Header settings that are located below your post content. Your post view will inherit the settings from the front page. Options:

  • Show the header.
  • Use the featured image as header image. This requires the header to be active, and a featured image to be set. The image will inherit the background position from the default header.
  • Hide the Call to Action button.
  • Hide the Highlights.
  • Hide the site Tag line (Description).
  • Replace the site title in the header with your post or page title.


Note: In version 2.0, the accessibility settings were moved from the Advanced Settings to it’s own setting in the customizer. Changing the colors of the theme can affect accessibility.

  • Skip link: the theme has one skip link at the very top that lets you skip past the main menu. If Highligts are used, you skip to the first Highlight, otherwise you skip to the main content.
  • In the customizer you can add personalized screen reader texts for your sidebar and footer.
  • There is also an option to change text displayed as UPPERCASE to Capitalized.
  • Known issues:
    • Some widgets that uses forms (category dropdown) are missing form labels. This is a known issue with WordPress.
    • Menus have a visible focus and can be tabbed through, but you can not navigate them using the arrow keys.


Aaron uses Open Sans for body, and defaults to Montserrat for headings, menus and footer texts. You will find an option to change Montserrat to a different font in the customizer.


Aaron has been tested with and style has been added for the following plugins:

  • Woocommerce
  • bbPress
  • Jetpack Note: Not all of Jetpacks modules are accessibe, and some uses iframes. I have increased the contrast of some of the modules.

Recommended modules:

  • Featured content -Once Jetpack has been activated, you can select up to six posts or pages as a front page feature. Chose a tag and add it to your posts to separate them from the rest. You can also choose a headline for your featured section. Featured images are optional and the recommended image size is 360×300 pixels.
  • Custom Content Type: Portfolio Aaron also supports Jetpack Portfolios. Read more about how to setup your Portfolio on Jetpacks support site.
  • Custom Content Type: Testimonials Aaron also supports Jetpack Testimonials. Tip: I recommend creating a page and adding this shortcode, and then including the page as a front page section.

[testimonials columns=3 showposts=3]

Read more about how to setup your Testimonials on Jetpacks support site.Sharing -If you activate Jetpack sharing, your buttons will be displayed below the meta information, to the right of your post content.

Contact Form

Site logo -Once Jetpack has been activated, you can add a logo above your Site title on the front page. You will find this setting in the customizer.